Sunday, June 07, 2009

Field of Dreams

The only way to find freedom is by offering it to someone else. Our destiny unfolds in someone else’s dream. This is not a sacrifice but rather it is our reality. Do not understand this wrongly. This does not mean you disappear in someone else’s shadow. Nor does this mean you give up your own dream to benefit someone else. Simply, it means that a dream is a field, not a territory. In a field of dreams, a group of people want it. We are all searching for the same thing. When we recognize our interdependence, we sow the seed together as a team and the result will be everyone’s fantasy. Each person’s unique vision is just a tiny reflection of the entire image – what one sees, we all see simultaneously. Within one person’s sight, we can find our big picture. Each person might focus on a unique task towards its realization, but the dream is the same. The task is defined by each individual’s gift. Your gift chooses you and it is your destiny. Don’t run away or be ashamed by your destiny because you think it cannot be. Your gift never drowns you, it surrounds you. It is all at once your greatest temptation, your greatest fear, your greatest fate. It is both an effortless joy and a painful sacrifice. Your gift may be found in what you may once have experienced as your greatest failure. That is why we often fear it. We have not galvanized enough courage to live our greatness. It might feel safe when our dream remains a dream. But a dream unrealized is to live in a state of imprisonment.

One cannot field dreams alone. Not only must you find nature’s place, a niche between the sharpest stone, the brightest sun and grace. Water flows here, it is a metaphor and a practicality. Do not follow scarcity. Follow the deep well of plenty. You might not see the depths, but you surely will smell it, feel it in your bones.

Choose a team wisely. Sometimes teams choose you. Either way, it is this group that acknowledges simultaneously that there is work that needs to be done and it must be done together. Everyone has a sacred place in the group. Don’t fret over tasks you do not want to do or that you do not do well. Follow only your instinct and this instinct will guarantee you joy. Each team member will fulfill a part of the whole. You cannot do it alone. Be and let be.

Your plan is irrelevant. It will exist but it will not be written in stone. It will be an idea, a glimpse into a lifestyle. Follow only emotion, pure emotion. Follow the things that make you weep. Deep, deep, down, you will know the answer. You will feel the hairs on your arm lift. It feels like electricity. It is that place that you lose voice and reason. It is here that your soul speaks. There is nothing wrong with this place when you allow it to thrive in your field. These are seeds. This is the root of all victory -- in your vulnerability. It might surprise you to find that when you lose obligation, your greatest desire becomes clear. Often it resides in the simplest life forms. Like where shall we go now that we are hungry? What shall we eat for nourishment? What will we do when our belly is full?