Monday, August 31, 2015

Mindfulness for Poor People

Rule of Nature: Growth

1. Take a beautiful plant in a small pot. Water it. Put it in the sun. It will survive but it will not grow.
2. Take the same plant and put in larger pot. Water it. Put it in the sun. It will survive and grow. Watch the leaves reach for the sun!
3. We adapt to space.  Space is not imaginary, it is real-- like boundaries, private property, borders and scope of work. In smallness, we adapt by being small. 
4. Once one identifies itself as a gallon, it does not suffice a pint sized life. For survival we have the capacity to contract for limited time before we die.
5. We can shrink and expand as needed, although shrinking is painful and may cause the loss of spirit. This will have long term effects on a person's health and well being. This is the situation of the oppressed and perpetual limitation can have intergenerational effects on memory. 
6. The soul remembers space. It is like the expansion of the brain or a muscle. 
7. I am talking about sustainability and self realization. I am talking about tapping into the ultimate infinite potential of the self. In bigness, we can grow and adapt by being big. In smallness we are stunted. Look at it. It is in nature. Therein lies the rose in concrete analogy. But that of course is superhero theory. We don't want to base our theories on superheroes. We want ordinary folk to grow, don't we? Look at space and you will see potential growth.
8. New age philosophy suggests we create new spaces in our mind and that thought will manifest itself in reality. That is to say, those who live small is because they don't think, don't imagine, don't believe, don't have faith. This is a lie or a truth reserved for those who are in free space. 
9. Conclusion. There are real limitations inherent in one's environment. You can't nurture a seed, a plant or a human being without considering the limitation or potentiality of the space --see the soil, the context, the living environment. See it. Feel it. Accept it. Don't pretend it does not exist.

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